ثامر الطاسان

   ثامر يوسف الطاسان، مصور هاوي يعشق تصوير الانعكاسات والمعمار والتصوير بالآيفون. من مواليد الرياض سنة 1981. بدأت التصوير في 2004 بعد فشلي في الرسم والتصميم. نالت اعمالي على عدة جوائز عالمية ونشرت في وسائل اعلامية حول العالم. حاصل على بكالوريوس نظم معلومات من جامعة تامبا (فلوريدا، أمريكا) عام 2005. متزوج وأب لـ طلال. اعمل في مجال – التسويق الرقمي والنشر الإلكتروني والشبكات الإجتماعية – بالرياض


   ’m an amateur photographer born in Saudi Arabia in 1981, educated and lived in the US for 12 years. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems from the University of Tampa.

I fell into photography by chance in 2004 and started learning about it on my own without taking any classes or reading any books. After 5 years of photography experience I was awarded the title “Travel Digital Photographer of the Year” in January 2009 by Digital Photographer magazine.

Traveling around the world photographing places that catch my eye from unique perspectives is my passion. Reflections is the subject I love most in photography along with Architecture. My photographs have been featured in numerous publications in the US, Europe, and the Middle East. They have also won a number of international awards.

While Photography is just a hobby I pursue when traveling, I work in the electronic media & digital marketing field in Riyadh, Saudi.

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